a brief time of history

      a brief time of history

an orchestral piece featuring solo cello with the usual mish-mash of noises. A mix of darker, practically funereal moments with loud bits thrown in to wake you up. I’ve undoubtedly “quoted” (nicked) ideas from the composers I listen to but with any luck I’ve disguised them well.

same as it ever is

      same as it ever is

a piece for two pianos, trumpet, violin, cello, double bass and small violin section. Played here by Bam Boozle and the horn swogglers in a big echoey hall. Bam is playing a basic theme again and again while Ruth, Boa, Art, Patrick and Ed muck about on other instruments (made a small change to the cello part, never liked the original – 23/12/10).

the crossing

      the crossing

yet another attempt at a piece for orchestra, this time for a fairly large ensemble with full strings, trumpets, French horns, solo flute and oboe and some percussion. A bit melodramatic in parts with lighter quirkier sections. Will no doubt have to be edited further at a later date. (NB. two years to the day when I posted my first track.)



a fairly extensive rewrite of a piece I wrote at the end of 2009 (edited early 2011) – here is a short orchestral interlude with lush strings, solo violins, piano and French horn possibly inspired by all the snow around (but maybe not) when I worked on it and dedicated to my parents.